Thursday, March 01, 2007

Day 1 Complete!

Well, I didn't start off the 20k in 30 days challenge very good. Things didn't go well. I didn't play extremely well. I felt like I spewed a lot by attempting to play a hyper aggressive game. Oh well, it's still early, I'll get em!

Total After Day 1: -958.00

Grand Total: -958.00

Amount Needed: 20,958

Mission 0% Complete

I plan on resting up tonight very good. I am very tired right now. I plan on putting in a HUGE session tommorow if my internet is working okay. Right now it blows.

P.S. : I think my pokertracker missed some hands. I felt like I lost a couple hundered more. However, I'm gonna trust pokertracker for this first day. Tommorow, I will record my account number before playing in order to insure accuracy.

Thanks and GL me!


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